Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tackling "The Little Books"

Every January, we want to commit ourselves to a fresh start on something.  For many Christians, that includes reading the Bible from cover to cover in a year.

Personally, I am way too ADHD to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations.  About the only plan I ever tried that worked at all was the one devised by Robert Murry M'Cheyne in the 19th century.  It will take you through Psalms and the New Testament twice, and the rest of the Bible once, while averaging 4 chapters a day.  Not bad for those of us with short attention spans.  You can try it yourself by clicking here.

Northrop Frye gave me an insight into why it's so difficult to read the Bible straight through:

One reason for this is that the Bible is more like a small library than a real book:  it almost seems that it has come to be thought of as a book only because it is contained for convenience within two covers.  In fact, what the word "Bible" itself primarily means is ta biblia, the little books (The Great Code xii).

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